Out the door?
Getting through winter weather is a test on who wins out, you or the weather. If you know me at all, you know winter is NOT my thing. Give me warm temps & sunny days and until I have that I am inside. My Life Resolution this year was to commit to going outdoors on a daily basis to do my exercise and that first step out the door required strong resolution and 2 dogs.
The first step
This fall we sold our “family” house and had not found the house so we moved into an apartment which in turn meant walking the dogs. Literally – said dogs must be walked to go to the bathroom. I figured if I had to get out the door with them, I might as well get dressed and exercise us both. They keep me on a schedule. My alarm clocks (said dogs) get me up and help me to stay focused on the goal.
Open to the process
We have braved the winds, rain, snow and the frigid temperatures.
Interestingly enough, I realized my dogs love any weather, so I have adopted their ability to adapt and get my move on. Guess what,
by the time we are back home I am feeling “alive” and ready to take on the day. Just by tweaking how I feel about the weather and exercising in it has helped me to see it in a whole new way.
*Does this speak to you, read our Facebook page to keep going uphill on your journey
It’s the weather expect change
We are in the Midwest, it is winter and you would think we would know to expect the unexpected in weather changes but knowing it and living through it could be two completely different things.
In order to compensate for the negative feelings that are sure to follow that 30+ degree drop in temperature, the rain hitting the roof, the winds that are blowing me backwards, I use positive outlooks-quotes, sayings, pictures, music lyrics to help propel me forward even if it is only in the thinking and not the actual moving….. for instance this quote had me shaking my head in an up and down way.
Thought for Today:
“Sometimes you just need to give in to the yuckiness of the day, throw your psychic hands up in the air and trust that tomorrow will be an improvement.”
Amy Shearn
**love it-check out Elite Feets Facebook page and you’ll see what keeps me moving along daily in a positive way.
Trust the Process
Any change we make takes repetition before it becomes routine, something you do on a regular basis without even questioning it.
Keep facing forward it does get easier.
And remember, each day that goes by means we are 1 day closer to spring!